KadaAsk: What’s ONE habit that has helped you stay productive in school, work, or your organization?

Happy Sunday mga ka-Kada! May bagong tanong po ulit ako! Recently, I’ve been trying to balance my studies, organization tasks, and other personal commitments. I’ve slowly realized that small habits make a big difference in staying productive.

What’s ONE habit that has helped you stay productive in school, work, or your organization?

:bulb: Reply with ONE word + a short explanation! :bulb:
Drop yours below! Let’s share and learn from each other. Thank you KadaKommunity!


Consistency – Showing up and putting in the work every day, even when I don’t feel like it. Small wins add up!


Deep breaths!
Very helpful in managing intense emotions especially when starting daunting projects, testing nerve-wracking exams, or just being emotional in general.


Discipline: Planning ahead and sticking to my study schedule really helped me in college back then!


Timekeeping - I do this by using the Forest App (also because of the cute trees haha). This helps me set focused work sessions and effectively apply time blocking/the Pomodoro Technique. This helps me track how much time I spent on a task, stay productive,and minimize distractions while growing a (virtual) tree!


PRIORITIZATION: Prioritizing tasks by importance.


Planning: Plan out your schedules ahead of time, so it won’t overlap and you can give a hundred percent energy for that work or event. You can Google Calendar or even print out your own calendar, and Notion to list down your To-Do lists for the day!


Journaling. Journaling helps me organize my thoughts, especially when I feel overwhelmed by tasks or emotions.


For me, I begin by creating a to-do list and arranging it by deadline or what task is needed the most. This helps me stay organized and ensures that I prioritize my tasks effectively. By breaking down my workload into manageable chunks, I avoid feeling overwhelmed.


Rest. We often forget to actually take rests in between. Go out. Do something you love. Or do nothing. Whatever gives you true rest and feel more energized and inspired, this small habit would eventually help you to stay productive and be more efficient in the use of both your time and energy. :wink:

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BREAK. Taking a break from studies or org works helped me to be productive when it is time to do everything again. Breathe in, Breath out. Taking long walks while talking to friends or yourself can help your productivity!!! Even, drinking coffee while AFK helps! Sometimes what I do is stand up and walk/stretch as far as i can from my phone or laptop. then, tada work mode again.

p.s. it’s best to try out different methods of productivity (pomodoro, time blocking) that best suits you since everyone is unique in every little ways but always remember to take a break.

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A habit that has helped me stay productive in school, work, and my organization is setting clear priorities using the 2-Minute and MIT (Most Important Task) rule.

If a task takes less than two minutes, I do it immediately—this prevents small tasks from piling up. For bigger tasks, I focus on my MITs first, ensuring that the most impactful work gets done before anything else. This habit helps me avoid procrastination, stay organized, and make meaningful progress every day. :grin:

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Organizing or Organization,I firmly believe that with a structured approach, productivity thrives, goals become achievable, and efficiency increases. When things are well-organized, time is better managed, distractions are minimized, and progress feels more intentional. With the right structure in place, anything is possible.

Focus: After testing a lot of productivity techniques, I firmly believe that focus on time-blocks and deep work is among that best fit to me. These techniques allow to completely disconnect from the outside world, no notifications and locked in with no distractions, to get into flow state completely focused on working towards the task.


Focus – Setting a specific time block for each task has helped me stay productive. It allows me to concentrate on one thing at a time, avoiding distractions and multitasking!

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As a productivity enthusiast, the habit that has helped me stay productive despite having multiple tasks to juggle is to let yourself accumulate your energy.

Procrastination is everyone’s biggest enemy for productivity but instead of doom scrolling on social media, I’d recommend listening to a favorite song, cuddling with your dog, or even just sitting in silence and staring at the ceiling. It helps with the feeling of the weight of the task that you’re about to do, like a small boost to have the urge to start.

Note Taking

  • Being forgetful, notes help keep me in line with responsibilities. With it, I am much aware of what task I have finished, my work-in progress, and what I need to do in the future.

Rhythm - Finding my rhythm and observing when my productivity peaks help me manage my time well and work efficiently to complete tasks.

Tracking – I keep tabs on my tasks, deadlines, and progress using a planner or digital tools. Seeing everything laid out helps me stay on top of my studies, org work, and personal commitments without feeling overwhelmed.

To-do lists!
I like tracking my tasks through digital/physical journals and calendars. It helps me prioritize which tasks need the most attention and which ones are urgent, also very helpful in avoiding feeling overwhelmed by the tasks that I have to accomplish. The feeling of crossing out items is a huge plus, too!!