Hati Health Digital Experience Challenge - Groupings

Hi apprentices!

Want to meet likeminded participants and work with them? You can express your interest here by providing the following information:

  • Year and Course:
  • How you work as a groupmate:
  • Your strengths (can be directly related to the challenge or not!):
  • Preferred schedule for working (which days and time):
  • Fun fact about yourself:

If you’re interested in working with someone who already posted under this topic, you can chat with them to see if they’re interested to work with you, and you can create a group chat here in the Community Forum (or anywhere else that would make you comfortable)!

Don’t forget to add them as groupmates on the VirApp platform.

If you have any questions, feel free to chat with me here or with our team in your respective FB Community Chat, shoot an email to programs@kadakareer.com, or fill up the Kadet Inquiry Form.

Have fun collaborating, apprentices!